Monday 11 May 2015

Catan Junior - Review

"Land Ho me hearties"  This is a game where you are trying to be the first pirate to build seven pirate liars.  You build the liars by collecting resources.  You get resources by rolling a D6 and comparing the results to the map.  You can trade resources at the market, or with the bank for different resources.  You can also take a chance on Coco the parrot, or by moving the ghost pirate.  The ghost pirate gives you resources while stopping your opponent from getting them.  This game is an awesome gateway game into board gaming for all ages.  My five and seven year old love it.  They can play completely unaided, and love blocking dad so I cannot get any resources.  Gameplay is different every time. Fast, fun, and well balanced.  It is funny to see how some people punt on the parrots, while others go for the resources.  This game is so good, it will be the first game played at my upcoming board gaming day.  A must for every board gamer to have in their collection.


  1. Both games look interesting Jeff. We've been playing one called Ants lately, one of the guys got it on Kickstarter.

    Good luck with your boardgame day- and new blog!

  2. Thank you Craig, great to hear from you. Eventually I will review all my board/card games (40+). Hopefully we can catch some time for some Bolt Action.
