Monday 3 August 2015

FoW Pincer US Armoured attacking Romanian Armour

The US 6th Armoured Division was given the task of clearing a village ahead of them. They could see infantry dug in along the grove of trees in front of the church.  Behind the small grove was a field of crops.  Their was a good chance that the enemy had AT guns hidden, just waiting to spit fire.  The Old Man and the 2iC decided to lead from the front in their Stuarts.  The platoon of Stuarts, with the commanders lead the way, positions themselves to clear out the infantry.  The Shermans positioned themselves behind the Stuarts, ready to provide cover fire.  The engineers were behind the tanks in case their expertise was needed.  The Old Man told the tank destroyer commander to position his M10's to provide cover fire, in case some medium tanks appeared.  The recon platoon decided it was a good idea to try, and reach the back objective while the enemy was busy with the main force pushing the forward objective. 

The Stuarts raced up, and encountered infantry dug in the small grove of trees. The Old Man threw open the hatch and manned the AA MG.  All guns fire !! he yelled.  All the Stuarts popped their hatches and unload with everyone weapon on their tank. The effects are immediate.  The enemy infantry platoon is pinned, and the assault is ready to go in.

Charge !  All the tanks form the Stuart platoon plus the Old Man and 2iC charge the enemy infantry platoon.  The Americans kill all the enemy infantry for no losses.  Although a few Stuarts bog in the woods.  After the charge is finished a Sherman explodes behind them, and the other two take hits but lucky nothing happens.  There in the field are 3 pak40's.  The US commander ordered all tanks to return fire.  At the same time, 3 German tanks are flanking their positions, but luckily all their shots miss.  The Wolverine commander cannot believe his luck.  Three German tanks are driving across his sights in the open.
The return fire from the 6th Armoured division is horrific.  All three German tanks go up in smoke from the tank destroyers.  The combine might of the Stuarts and Shermans are only able to smoke one pak 40.  Within only two turns, the Romanians have lost two out of three platoons.  To rub more salt into the wound, the us recon has made its way to contest the rear objective.
The Romanians decide to quit the field.  The have lost all but one of their platoons.  The Americans are contesting two objectives as well. 

My mate Lionel got very unlucky in this match.  I rolled great dice the first two turns, killing two out of his three  platoons at the end of my turn two.  He failed his company check at  the start of his turn two, which made for a very quick game.  This is why I play armoured now instead  of infantry, as the games are usually very fast.  It is always lots of fun playing Lionel, and also good to get a win back on him finally.  Lionel is off to a weekend tournament tomorrow, so I hope he used up all his bad luck!

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